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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The day the World stood still.

The day the World stood still.
Dear Friends, 
September 11th, 2001... 9/11 for short… we hear about this day. But do we truly remember it?
My generation was the first generation to have started school the same year. I started to Elementary School in the fall of 2001…. As a flamboyant, and in a way, overly confident 5-year-old.
My Momma recalls the first day I started school, as I walked through the door, and apparently told my Kindergarten teacher- “Now, Mrs. Whitaker- If any of these children need help tying their shoes- I’ll help them.”---Bless it....Mrs. Whitaker--- If you are reading this---Thank you for your patience, understanding, and guidance as you reigned in my tenacity. You are the best.
Little did my Momma, or myself, or anyone else for that matter realize that just a few short days later in the early weeks of September we would be bonded together forever. No matter what- in my life I will always be asked the phrase “Where were you when 9/11 struck?”.
To tell you the honest answer, my memory of the day is clouded, influenced by the stories of family and friends over the years, as they told their encounter of 9/11. I remember little, and what I do remember might not have even happened the way I remember. I know facts: 1) I was in Mrs. Whitaker’s Kindergarten classroom. 2) My Momma came to be with me after she spoke on the phone with her friend and found out about the towers being hit. 3) Lots of adults around me were sad. I am sorrowed at that fact, but I take comfort in the bliss of innocence.
Let me tell you what I DO remember: 
  1. Kindergarten was a FUN, and Educational year… 
  2. I remember the parties we had for Halloween, and Christmas… 
  3. I remember my friends and I reading on the wooden sofa with a red cushion… 
  4. I remember Mrs. Whitaker and Miss Petty being so gentle and loving to us.                 That is what I remember about 2001. I remember love.

I remember the feeling of everyone being connected, everyone saying their prayers, and being thankful to God for Him sparing our community. I remember people turning to God…asking Him to avenge our people, and to protect the brave soldiers as they fought to end the evil that had came against us..... 
As I thought of this I begin to wonder… 17 years later, will we ever get this unity back? Do we as Americans have to wait for another tragedy before we begin pulling together again? Is our priority list up to date with things that would still be important if 9/11 hit again?
I think that there is too much of a divide… spiritually first and foremost, politically second, and socially third. We must remember-we all are different, we all have different lifestyles, but we all bleed the same color... we ALL were precious enough for God to send his Son for us... Where I come from- ALL means ALL. 
I just pray that one day we can ALL stand as Americans, put aside our differences and be unified again……
One of the Class of 2014…. The Kindergarteners of 9/11/01

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Products I am Using on Accutane

Products Haul: for Accutane (Isotretinoin)

Today I wanted to talk about the products that I have purchased for my journey of being on Accutane or Isotretinoin. 

First, I need to tell you a few disclaimer statements:
1. Accutane is not a medication to begin without deep consideration and I wouldn't be on this medicine if there was another option to clear up my acne prone skin. 
~I have been under the direct care of a licensed clinical dermatologist for years now and both he and I felt this was the best care option for ME. 
~ I CAN NOT AND WILL NOT EVER Suggest/Diagnose that this medicine would be right for you. This is something you should consult with YOUR doctor to see if Isotretinoin is a good option for you.

2. The reason that Accutane is such a SERIOUS drug, is because it is toxic to a fetus if you were to become pregnant while on this medicine. 
~ Yes, I do realize this. Yes, my husband does realize this. We have taken precautionary measures and will continue to do so- we take it very seriously. I am on the TWO most efficient and preventative birth control methods that there is. So calm down "Judge-y Judy" in the back- We got this handled! 
~The Government regulates this medicine through a program called "iPledge", and one of the steps to get your first prescription is that you have to have a consult with an OB/GYN and form a plan. For myself, I have a IUD(IntraUterine Device) preventing pregnancy. So, for right now, it is a good time to take this medicine. 

3. Why am I sharing this personal journey with the "world"? I am sharing, because Acne is nothing to be ashamed of, and I want the girls/boys in my life, who know me to have access to this information. If a teenager/young adult is struggling with Acne, I know how heartbreaking and self destructive it can be to your emotional self esteem. I want to help others in finding information about what this medicine DOES cause.
In High School I was so scared of it in high school because of the rumors about it, if I would have had a personal account of someone who took it, I might have saved myself grief before this and taken the medication earlier. I was not "active" until I was married, so the scariness wouldn't have even been relevant to MY case. Point is- I'm sharing because I care. 

NOW- Since all that is out of the way lets get down to the PRODUCTS I PURCHASED TO ALLEVIATE the dryness the best I could. These products were bought based on the many months of research (Youtube videos of people who took Accutane), and questioning the people I know who have taken this medicine. 

This first picture is the actual medicine itself. I say Accutane, because that is the most popular brand name of the medicine. Claravis is the name brand that my local pharmacy carries. Isotretinoin is the off brand or generic name. I take two 40 mg capsules a day with food. I messed up and didn't take with food one time and was extremely nauseated. I will also say, that if you are self pay (like I am) that this medicine can be EXTREMELY expensive, and I have had to move pharmacies to get the best deal. 

This is the picture of my bathroom sink when Josh (my husband) and I returned from Walmart when I started the medicine.. This is my Accutane Haul- Hmmm maybe that is a better name for this. I will bullet each product and describe why I chose to purchase it.
  1.  Flushable wipes- this was a tip I received from someone who took the medicine. She told me that as my body dries out, it will dry out everywhere. This includes my scalp, all the way down. So eventually, my Charmin might not feel as Ultra Soft. I am 3 months in of my 5 month treatment and I have not had any problems so far, but I am prepared if I were to have them. 
  2. Cetaphil Oil Control Moisturizer- this was a product that the dermatologist told me about. I had previously used this and loved the fact that it sinks in super fast. It also has SPF in it so it will be perfect for me before I leave for work/put on makeup.
    1. I have also been using the Olay Moisturizer because the Cetaphil can burn sometimes. The Olay simple moisturizer has been around since the Ice Age, just like Cetaphil so they both work great, and have added sun protection.
  3. O'Keeffe's 48 Body Lotion- Josh uses their hand creams and really likes them so he felt this would work the best to keep my body moisturized during the day. 
    1. I also REALLY like the Nivea In Shower Moisturizer because I can put it on in the shower after I have washed with a body wash and then wash it right back off. This has been helpful for someone like myself who HATES putting on lotion. 
  4. Neutragena Body Mist Sunscreen- for when it becomes difficult to get every area that I need to block the sun. Also the Aloe is self explanatory for why I need it LOL ;) 
  5. Not Your Mothers Dry Shampoo- because I am sooo excited I won't be having to wash my hair every day anymore! This trick has been wonderful!! 
  6. Secret Clinical Strength Deodorant- because it is easier to put on the 'wet' deodorant and I feel like it lasts longer than the dry roll on kind. Especially since everything soaks in really fast.
  7. Eye Drops, Vaseline, Aquaphor lip balm- all of these to combat the dryness that I am experiencing. I have used the most though of Blistex medicated lip balm that isn't pictured. It's cheap, cheerful, and if you keep it on your lips steadily then it works great!
  8. Purity Cleanser- THIS STUFF IS BOMB. Get you some, no matter what age, skin problem. It's gentle, tough on makeup, works as a 1 stop shop- one pump on your tired face and you feel rejuvenated and ready to either dream sweet dreams or conquer the world. 
  9. Ponds- Cleanser- when my face needs added moisture- I will wash first with Purity, then do this as it adds back a LOT of the moisture that you have lost throughout the day.
I think that is all the things that I have actually used in this picture. And I will update with a final what actually worked post whenever I am no longer on the medicine. 

Thanks for reading such a long post, but I hope that it helps you to know what I am currently using beauty wise, and if you are on Accutane, or are thinking about it, then you will know some helpful drug store products/QVC products to research to see if they are right for you! 

Goodnight Y'all!
xoxo, Jen

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A Week on Accutane- April 2nd, 2018

Week One: Accutane Treatment- April 2nd, 2018
This is the second post in my Accutane series. I plan on writing a separate "Products I am using on Accutane" post as well. I will continue with these weekly posts to let myself as well as the ones following my story, see the progress in my skin. 

First let me begin with saying that, I know that my skin has to get WORSE before it can get BETTER. 

For pictures this week, I want to include the pictures of me before I went on the medicine. As well as the "progress" pictures I took this first week. 
March 26, 2018- the day before I started the medication- with makeup.

March 24, 2018- Makeup free before I went on the medicine.

March 24, 2018- Makeup free before I went on the medicine.

Now for the pictures of this week....March 27th- April 2nd.

This last week was a good week for me to begin the treatment because it has taken a full week of being on the medication to begin to see the side effects of it. I have been on Spring Break as an educator so that has given me the time to be able to get used to my "new normal". 

On the first night of taking the medication I saw immediate side effects though, of a bad headache, as well as I could tell a HUGE difference in my vision driving that night. After checking back on the side effects sheet that came with the medicine, this is one of the severe side-effects. So, no driving at night for the next few months if I don't have my back up glasses in the car. 

More recently though, I have seen the DRYNESS really begin to come on to my face and my lips! I frankly for the whole Easter Holiday have been miserable, from fighting an allergy flare up(from being outside around all the pollen, which I do EVERY season change).  My LIPS ARE SOOOOO CHAPPED. I feel as though they are "slimy' because I can't get them moisturized enough. My complexion is becoming so very red and I am becoming self conscious around others. Right now I am choosing not to wear makeup, but will revisit the idea when I start back to work next week.

I had my Bible Study group tonight, and the women are so loving and supportive. Like I told them, I am telling you, all my friends and family- 
~Tell me that this will only last for another month (or so), and then I will start clearing up. 
~Tell me I am Beautiful. 
~Tell me you are proud of me for taking this step to regain my life back that was thrown out of control nearly 3 years ago.
~Tell me you love me. 
*Disclaimer: That is all that I want to hear. That is all I need to hear. :) 

Until next time, 
Jenna Lou the Little House Lady <3

Monday, April 2, 2018

My Acne Story- Jenna Louise Dodson

Acne. Blemish. Zits. Bumps. Boo-Boos. Pimples. Done!

  • I am done. I am OVER having Acne. But before I can tell you about how I am getting rid of my acne forever (hopefully), I have to tell you about how I got to my decision to do something drastic to change this particular trait of mine. This is MY Journey. 

I am just now 22, so I don't have a horridly long story, but Acne is something that I have been dealing with for quite some time.  When I began middle school I started noticing little bumps that would come up, and having bangs, most of them resided around the forehead area due to the excess oil there. 
This acne, was normal. It was what everyone would expect from a 12-13 year old little girl whose body was trying to blossom into being a woman. 

I talked to my Momma, and she being an Avon Representative at the time ordered me Avon's Acne system. It WORKED AWESOME! (If you have a teen going through Acne right now, I would highly suggest it as a beginning step). 
My skin cleared up, and was the perfect complexion for a long time. I even remember my pediatrician asking me what I was doing for my skin to be so glowing. 

But then came High School, and the acne would get worse, and then it would go away. I tried countless products that helped alleviate the periodic breakouts. Acne became something that I got used to. I became aware that acne breakouts were going to be a part of life, typically seeing a reoccurring pattern around my "rag week" each month. 

I tried Mary-Kay's line  Velocity which now has been replaced with Clear Proof. I tried that line too, and they both broke me out. I tried Pro-Active which broke me out, and dried me out. I settled for over the counter medications, cleansers and lotions with acne medicines in it to treat the pimples that would pop up from time to time. 

"When I went to real problems started." 
When I went to college however, is when my real problems started. I became truly STRESSED for the first time in my life, where I was at one point trying to balance Nursing School, planning a wedding for July, all the while taking care of my Momma who had suffered a stroke during my freshman year of college (April 2015). 
April 10th, 2015- Morning of Surgery- before stroke.

About a month later while Momma was in Pineville. 

Mom with Josh at Pineville.

Praise the Lord! She was able to walk again, and come home to marry me off! 

My FACE DID NOT LIKE STRESS. It didn't take kindly to it at all. I felt like a monster with huge, bulging, bumps on my face that HURT, and were really red. I had friends in my classes ask me what I had done to my face. I had children at church ask me why I had "Boo-Boos" on my face. It all took a toll on my self-esteem, and caused me more harm than I can possibly put into words. All emotional daggers thrown at my heart. 

I immediately went to the dermatologist when this big flare up happened. I had a wedding in 3 months, and I didn't have time for Acne. Not this crap. This was unlike anything I had ever had before. These were craters, quarter sized rocks under my skin. I could pinch them but nothing would ever come out.. He explained to me that I had Nodular Acne, commonly seen in adults who like me, had bodies that did not tolerate stress well. 
"I had a wedding in 3 months, and I didn't have time for Acne."
We decided on a regimen, which at the time seemed the most appropriate. I wanted a quick fix so I could enjoy my engagement, and plan my wedding the way I wanted. I also was in the process of getting my mother out of physical rehabilitation, where she had been after her stroke earlier in the year.  

We opted for an antibiotic, being that I was an abstinent virgin up until my wedding. Because of this, there was no need for me to worry about the effect that antibiotics have on birth control pills. I still continued taking birth control to get into the habit of taking them every day. I took both pills, and watched as almost immediately my face cleared up. It was magical. 
Early July 2015, my Bridal makeup trial. Makeup by Summer Whitfield. 

Only, like in Cinderella, the clock struck midnight and I had to stop taking the antibiotics a week before my wedding. My face remained clear for the wedding, and honeymoon, but when we came home, within 2 months my face had regressed into forming the nodules again. 

I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING. Avon, Mary-Kay, Pro-Active, Neutrogena, Noxzema, Clean & Clear, all the washes that they advertise on television, Dove Soap, Dial Soap, Ivory Soap, Pond's, Purity, I tried a Clarisonic brush, the list could go on and on. If people told me about it within the last almost three years, I've tried it. And as much as I appreciate the concern, no remedy that you have will fix my acne. That's what my dermatologist has told me. It's not anything I have done, no cleanser, food or product will fix this that I can buy at Walmart. This is going to require big guns. 

So, that is where my skin has been up until this point for the last two, almost three years. I have dealt with painful, raised, nodules under my chin and cheeks. I have also dealt with the red, inflamed, and pustule filled "regular" acne that comes and goes just as in teenagers. All thanks to hormones, genetics, and the stresses of life that have been hurled my way lately. 

I don't like it, and I'm finished with Acne, and that is why I've decided to take Accutane, or aka Isotretinoin. 

Follow my journey, and see with me how this medication, (Which I firmly believe the Lord allowed some pretty smart doctors/scientists to develop) completely changes my life for the better in the next Five months! 
Until next time, 

Jenna Lou the "Little House Lady"
Photography: Mandy Marburger 

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Birthday Experiences

What do you think when I say Birthday gift?

My family gives birthday presents until we turn 18. From that point forward you get a birthday dinner surrounded by ones who love you. 
To me-a food lover, this is perfect. I don’t have any needs and only a few wants. So, for my family just to gather around and spend time together is perfect.

My nieces and nephews, the first year that Josh and I were married; were in a transition period. Each set of kids (from a different godsister)- 3- brothers/sister and 2-brother/sister, were having to get used to the idea of one of their divorced parents remarrying. 
We made the best of the situation with them, trying to remain excited that they would get new brothers/sisters. Their parent who was moving on would be happy, which in turn would help them to have times of happiness. 

They were resilient and seemed to be getting used to the idea of having another side of family from their step parents. 
Then came the time when they didn’t know I was listening to their conversation. It wasn’t as though I was eavesdropping, I just happened to hear one of the 5 say: “Yea, we get a lot more from our step parents side than we do here.” 😱😔😑😠😡 <<<<< yea this was my facial expressions. I went from shocked, sad, irritated, mad, to furious. How DARE these children, who do they think they are that they deserve $1,000 for Christmas? And from EACH side?

I work too hard for my money, and obviously they didn’t appreciate the sacrifice that Josh and I were making so that they would each have a small Christmas gift. Our small gesture was cast aside like it meant nothing. They were holding a new family member, who didn’t know them at all like I did, at a higher level of respect because he/she gave $100 a piece or more. 😖

So that Christmas (2015) I decided that the next Christmas, as well as every Birthday, starting in the new year of 2016, we would NOT give gifts. Yep. You read that right. NO GIFTS. 

I wrote up a note that told them how much I loved them, and that I wanted them to appreciate acts of kindness, and sacrifices of others to make them happy more than I wanted them to appreciate cash/money/gift cards. I explained that we would no longer give gifts. We would give experiences. 

So that’s what we have done. Each birthday, the child gets a day with Aunt Jenna and Uncle Josh. We go somewhere, we eat and have a phone free (mostly, except for pictures) experience. 
We have went to the movies, had sleepovers, went bowling, bonfire, went to Big Air- Trampoline Park. We have ate at Cracker Barrel (we really love that place) and Cook Out. 

We build a memory with each child, one I treasure. And I hope and pray that they do too. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Beauty Hack Trial- Homemade Charcoal Toothpaste

If you scroll Pinterest as I do, (often I am afraid) then you are aware of the term Beauty Hack. I go along and save the ones I aim to do (but never end up actually trying them out).

One of these hacks that I decided to try is that of Activated Charcoal to whiten your teeth. I purchased the capsules off of Amazon and patiently waited for the Prime man (as I warmly call him) to deliver the package to my door. 

I also do research of said Beauty hacks on YouTube. I see if any Beauty Blogger (which I do not consider myself to be) out there has filmed herself doing a video of such content. 

I came across one where a woman tested the theory of using the Activated Charcoal and a touch of water alone. 

This didn’t seem to really appeal to me, and I did more scrolling. I came along a Pinterest article of where it listed things that supposedly “really” worked to whiten teeth. 
Some of the things listed intrigued me: 
1. Activated Charcoal
2. Coconut Oil (supposed to swish in mouth for 10 min)
3. Baking Soda
BINGO. I have all of those. And I hopped up off my couch to go and make me a paste. 

I was sick of looking at my dreadful colored teeth and wanted to see the immediate results. I am quite pleased with what I found to be true.

I will continue to use this stuff once a day, and then every other day when I reach my heart’s desire of whiteness. Stay tuned.... 

Monday, October 30, 2017

My First Blog!- Starting a New Outlet for my Voice!

What is a BLOG? I don't know, let's figure it out!

Hello! My Name is Jenna Louise Dodson, I am a simple southern belle that is trying something new this year. I am a Full time Student, Wife and Caregiver to my Momma! I love my life simple and southern just the way that it is! I am on this new journey of blogging, and I hope you will join me!

 You see, I have an addiction. I admit, I am addicted to Social Media. I know, you may not count this as a true addiction. But I do. I spend a tremendous amount of time on my phone, scrolling through the highlight reels of other peoples life. 

I count this to be a blessing and a curse. I enjoy getting to see the positive moments of people's lives. I also find comfort in seeing the concerns of others when they may be going through storms in their lives. BUT I am finding in my married life, it is annoying for my husband and I to be on devices verses spending time with one another. His curse is YouTube. 

We are working on this together, me giving up facebook, and he giving up YouTube, well cutting back I should say. We both enjoy it so I don't want to completely CUT it out, just scale back so that we can truly spend time with one another more than we do our technology. 

So with that being said, I plan to blog weekly, and share with you what I found interesting about something that I have read or done that week. I want this to be a lifestyle blog, where I can outlet my findings of life. Whether it be something powerful in my devotions with Christ, or a craft I have accomplished, and I would like to link it to my Youtube channel and provide videos of decor that I have made/purchased/put together in our home. I want it to be fun, and I hope that you will continue to follow me and share if this is something that you found helpful! 

That is my ultimate goal here- to express my opinion in a way that will honor God and hopefully bring someone to know him through Christ Jesus! Have a blessed day! 

Jenna's Goals:
1. Spend more time in Gods word and not on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Youtube.
2. Spend more time enjoying life rather than posting highlights of life on Facebook and "liking" other peoples highlights.
3. By doing 1 & 2 I will be - loving my family & Friends more!
4. Take more pictures of life- to have not to post. 
and scrapbook said pictures in albums to have and look back by years.
5. Exercise more
6... Be a better me! A better wife, daughter, and child of God.